Tuesday 30 July 2013

the tooth fairy

July 21st

I woke up and my wobbly tooth had gone...I came downstairs to Mummy and said 'my tooth wont hurt anymore' Mummy said 'where is it?' I said 'the tooth fairy has taken it' Mummy assured me the tooth fairy wouldn't of taken it and not left a gold coin for me, so we went up to search my bed as it must of fallen out when I was asleep.
We couldn't find it anywhere and I was really upset.
lucky that daddy was home because he lifted my mattress up and found it. :-))) I was sooo happy.

That night I agreed that daddy would put my tooth under the pillow for me once I was asleep because I fidget too much in bed.
Something woke me up in the night, a loud noise. I went into Mummy and Daddys room and they said it was my £1 from the tooth fairy. I had fidgeted so much I had pushed the penny under my pillow and it had fallen under the bed and woken me up. I was upset again, Mummy said 'don't worry we will find it in the morning' and we did.

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