Friday 21 September 2012

Mummy and Daddys wedding

Eventually on Friday 7th September it was the day everyone has been talking about for weeks and weeks....The wedding!!!

I wore a smart suit and I looked after Daddy as he was very nervous.
A few days before the wedding when Mummy told me daddy might be nervous on the wedding day I asked Mummy what nervous meant and she said 'a bit worried' and I said ' oh, I will tell daddy..its ok daddy you are only marring mummy'. :-)

We had a fantastic day, Me and Rowan played football and climbed trees in the massive hotel garden with ALL the Uncles and Aunty Lucy and All the Nanny and Grandads. We even had time to join in with the actual wedding and walk down the special red carpet with Aunty Lucy and Freyah.

Mummy wore a beautiful princess dress and daddy looked super smart in his suit.

In the evening there was a massive party, after a while I got really tired and went to the hotel room to go to sleep along with Daddy.
What a brilliant day...In the morning I asked 'Whos wedding are we going to today?'

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