Thursday 26 August 2010


This month we have done a lot, its been Mummys birthday. We went out for a birthday meal and we went to the zoo with everyone.
It was also aunty Lucy's birthday.

I have been with Mummy and Daddy a few times now to listen to the baby's heart beat, I like singing to the baby in Mummy's belly....the baby like twinkle little star, Mummy said that was also my favourite song when I was a baby.
I have been helping Daddy a lot in the baby room making the cot and wardrobe. I like to look at all the baby things.

We have been to trethorne farm and it was fun, I went on the death slide with Daddy and said 'AGAIN DADDY'.
At the top of the death slide keeping my arms and legs in...

Here is Daddy throwing me in the air to crash in the ball pool (mid-flight)...

Here I am holding the baby rabbit...

Thursday 5 August 2010

My 1st time at playgroup

I have been busy at my usual groups of gymnastics and singing time, now it is the summer holidays and most groups are finished for a few weeks.
Mummy has a very large belly now because she has a baby in it, I go to her appointments with her and help the midwife take Mummys bloodpressure and listen to the baby.
A few weeks ago I went to Nanny's 50th Birthday Party, I danced and sang and played with my friends. All my family were there and I had a late is a picture of me singing in the giant microphone.....
This week I went to playgroup on my own for an afternoon, Mummy dropped me off at 1pm and I said goodbye to her and played with the toys. At 3:30pm Mummy and Daddy picked me up.
The nursery assistant told Mummy I was a good boy, and that I was ok until I was told to sit down for song time or snack time, because I didnt want to come in from outside.
I coloured some pictures for Mummy and Daddy.
I was happy to see Mummy and Daddy by the end of playgroup and was ready to go home.
I am going to be going to playgroup every Monday afternoon now.