Saturday 18 October 2008


I have had a cold this week and didnt sleep very well, I had lots of snot, sneezing and coughing, I still have it a bit and im finding it hard to breath when I have my bottle or my dummy. Hopefully it will be gone in a few more days.
Mummy took me out for lots of walks in the fresh air as this helped to keep my mind off it and cleared up my cold for a while.

Mummy took me to visit Auntie Julie and Uncle Steve with thier little boy Sam he has just turned 7 years old, they have a big dog called Ellie I really liked her but I think she was a bit affraid of me.

Here I am at Plymbridge, We walked there from our house and then we sat on the grass as it was nice and sunny and warm.

Here I am outside in my walker, It was fun and I liked going fast and into the neighbours garden.

But then Daddy let me roll down the hill and had to run after me, Mummy shouted at Daddy for lettng me go but I just laughed because I liked going fast.

Friday 10 October 2008


Today Mummys friend Trudi came to visit with her little girl Lauren. We played toys and then we played 'ring a ring a roses' then we had some lunch.

I had a good time today.

Wednesday 8 October 2008


I have been to visit Mummys friends Darren and Kelly and their little girl Abby, I like Abby and gave her lots of smiles and then we shared toys. Abby is almost 1 year old and she can walk now so she gave me her walker and another toy too, I really like my new walker it is like a space ship.
I couldnt reach the floor in my other walker, Mummy said its because I have short legs. My new walker is so much better...Thankyou Abby.
I am learning how to bomb about at home now but here I am (below) in Nanna's kitchen trying to grab her fridge magnets.

At my weigh-in this week I was 18lb 7oz.

Monday 6 October 2008


Here I am playing with my toys, I couldnt decide what one I wanted to play with and was getting a bit annoyed so Daddy put me in my toy box with all of my toys so I could play with all of them at once. I thought it was very funny!

Im trying really hard to sit up on my own now I can sit up with cusions around me to stop me falling and I can sit up all on my own when I have no nappy on (I'm not allowed to be nappy free for too long though because I make a mess on the carpet).

Im going to get weighed tomorrow because I have been sleeping for 12 hours at night so Mummy and Daddy want to make sure I'm still gaining enough weight.

Mummy has cooked me lots of new tasty meals, This week I have tryed minced beef in bolognese and chicken.

My favourite dinner at the minute is Creamy Chicken and parsnip or Cauliflour cheese...yummy!

I really like wheatabix for breakfast and I also like fromage frais.

Actually I have liked every type of food I have tried so far and I have tryed most things now.