Sunday 24 August 2014

Newquay holiday

Before the summer holidays we went to Hendra in Newquay for the weekend. We had a brilliant are some of our pics...

dancing at the disco

enjoying the shower

air hockey at the arcades

at the skate park

getting a tattoo in Newquay

at the pool

We had a lovely time and I was very sad to leave.

Saturday 23 August 2014


Mummy hasn't been very good at updating the blog during the summer as we have been soooo busy having lots of fun.

We have done lots of things over the last few months... here I am doing what I do best, CLIMBING, JUMPING, SEARCHING FOR BUGS AND MAKING PEOPLE LAUGH.
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date with mummy

bugs at nanny and grandpas

somersaults on the trampoline with Kyan

cleaning the ambulances at Mummys work

Monday 19 May 2014


On the Saturday after my Birthday it was mine and Kyans joint party with all of our school friends.
It was my favourite party ever because it was in the WOODS.

We met all my friends in the car park at saltrum and walked down to the woodland site where Debbie (the forest school leader) was waiting for us.
It was a showery day but that made it more fun.
we had games, face paint with charcoal, campfires, toasted marshmellows, den making, wand making (I turned my friends into zombies) I had an awesome time and all my friends had fun too.


best day ever!!!


YAY! I woke up on my birthday and was excited, it was a school day so I got up early so I could open my presents before school.

after school all my family came out, I had a nerf cross bow, giant tarantula model, bugs, and a new tablet. thank you everyone xx

May Bank holiday

In the May bank holiday Mummy said Rowan could have a sleepover in my room, I wasn't sure I wanted Rowan to share my room but Mummy said it would be fun and we could use our sleeping bags.
It took us a while to fall asleep 21:30 because it was too fun, we both slept on the floor and read each other books.
The next morning we woke up very early so had to have a early night the next day. but it was very fun.
The next day I was allowed to choose the treat day because my birthday is on a school day so we had a day out on the bank holiday Monday, we went to Paignton.
We played in the big park and played with the water, we went on the pier where the bouncy slides and bouncy castles were, we played in the sea and on the beach we had lunch then we had a yummy ice cream.

meeting mr gru

meeting a minion

ice cream

on a ride

flying down the slide

daddy taking us back to the car

days out with some friends and my family in the easter holidays

In the Easter holidays we had a lovely time, we went to forder valley nature reserve for a 'wild about woods' day. we met my friend James there with his Mum too. we did bug hunting, pond dipping, camp fires, toasted marshmellows and made ribbon ornaments. It was a lovely sunny day too and we had a picnic in the sun.

I also went to the cinema with my friend Kyan, Just me Mummy and Kyan and Kyans Mummy (Rowan stayed with nanny). We watched walking with dinosaurs. After the cinema we went to west hoe park for a while with Rowan too.

Mummy and Nanny took me and Row to the aquarium, I loved seeing the giant octopus and the lobsters.
On another day Mummy me and Rowan went to woodlands with Freyah and my friend George. It was a super exciting day and I had a brilliant time.

we did lots of other fun things too like trago mills with Daddy, lunch in town with Mummy, playing at nanny and granddads. I went to my friends birthday party at drakes den on Easter sunday. so I was super busy and had a brilliant Easter holiday. xxx