Saturday, 19 November 2011

Gymnastics and Nursery

This week I have achieved my 1st gymnastics badge and I will have a special gymnastics class at the end of this month when Mummy and Daddy can come and watch me recieve it.
I really enjoy gymnastics and im good at doing forward rolls.

I was very brave this week because I had my pre-school injections, 1 in each arm. I didnt even cry the nurse gave me 2 stickers a certificate and a lollipop for being a superstar! mummy and daddy bought me a ben10 alien watch.

In nursery Mummy had to talk to my teacher Miss Gilbard for my settling in review, I try very hard in nursery and I enjoy it lots. Miss Gilbard said I need to listen more and try to not grab/hug other children so much. In nursery im practicing for the nativity play so I sing lots of songs at the minute.
We had fancy dress in nursery to raise money for children in need I dressed as a builder.
fancy dress for children in need

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