Monday 24 October 2011

My drawing and Update

Here is a picture I drew at Nanny & Grandads (at the broadway) with chalk...its a brilliant massive spider!!! I did it all on my own.


I go to big nursery now and I really enjoy it, my teacher is Miss Gilbard, my classroom is the orange room. We do all kinds of things in big nursery like play-doh, water play, music/songs, painting, sticking and playing outside. On Mondays and Wdnesdays I stay at nursery for lunch club, Mummy &Daddy make me a packed lunch, I usually have jam sandwiches, fruit and yogurt. I like lunch club. I have lots of friends at nursery like Kyan, Lucy, Eden, and Ryan.

I have also started 'big boys' gymnastics class. Mummy takes me to gymnastics and I take my shoes and socks off and tell the instructor my name. Then mummy waits outside and I go to the white starting line with all the other children (Eden goes gymnastics too). We learn how to do roly-polys, headstands, running, jumping, and balancing. I really enjoy it and dont like it when its finshed because I want to do it all again. Mummy sometimes watches me through the window and she says I'm great at gymnastics.

This week is half term so I dont go to nursery or gymnastics this week.

I really like dinosaurs at the minute, I like to read dinosaur books, and play with dinosaur figures. I like to be a gigantosaurus...the biggest dinosaur in the whole world.

Last night I was a bit scared at bedtime, I thought a minster was in my room...Mummy said monsters are not real but we had spent the whole day in woodlands where they had lots of halloween activities. and I like all the halloween things I have seen like zombies, skeletons, vampires etc.. but although I like it it does care me a bit.
I couldnt sleep in my room so went out to the landing outside the bathroom...(where the light was on). and I brought my duvet and pillow and settled there. Mummy and Daddy found me when they went to bed.

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