Tuesday 24 May 2011


On saturday Daddy, Rowan and Me got dressed up in our smart suits and went to Freyah & Richards wedding, we met Mummy there because she was the maid of honour, which means she had to walk down the isle and look after the bridesmaids and page boy...George.
I was very good and we all sat down to have some food, my friend Hayleigh was also there and lots of other children.

We had nice food and ice cream and sweets, then it was time for the party, Nanny, Grandad, Ung-eee, Uncle Jay and Auntie Lucy came to the party and we danced together.

I stayed up very late, Daddy took me and Rowan home at 11pm. We were so tired the next day we didnt wake up till after 9am. I had a great time and I asked Mummy when we can go to the wedding again....Mummy said 'daddy & mummy are getting married next year and I will be a special page boy with rowan on the day. :-)

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