Saturday 19 March 2011

Im a big boy

I am trying very hard potty training I can do wee wee and poo in the potty, sometimes I miss the potty or dont get there on time, but Mummy or Daddy says 'nevermind try again next time'.
I have been helping Daddy in the front garden this week...

Here are the buns me and mummy made today..yumm!

Here I am doing the dishes and another of me putting stickers all over my belly he he!!!

Saturday 12 March 2011


Yesterday Mummy & Daddy took me to buy some new 'BIG BOY' pants, I chose some with pirates and some with cranes on.
This morning Daddy said I could take me nappy off and throw it out the window, so I did and then I put my new pants on.
I did very well today doing wee wee's on the potty and even a poo, I had a sweetie each time I did something in my potty.
Mummy and Daddy said they are very proud of me today for being such a big boy, and I liked being grown up.
My favourite bit is going upstairs with my potty to empty it down the toilet and pulling the flush, oh and getting a sweetie of course.

Friday 4 March 2011

34 months

Today I was playing in the garden and using daddys wood to make a pirate plank and when I had finished I said 'oh im a genius'. Mummy thought it was funny.

Here are some pics of our day at Trethorne farm, Nanny M came with us and we pinched grandads car to take us there...he he!!!