Sunday 6 December 2009


Im 19 months old and copy most words that people say to me now, I also have my own words for some things like 'nee nee' for guitar. I say some words a bit different...'bum' for drum, 'tooo's' for toes, and 'basssee' for bath, but Mummy and Daddy understand me so thats ok.
We went to watch the christmas lights switch on in Plymstock, I seen santa but was a bit unsure of him, I had a flashing star toy and some balloons. Here I am with Nanny, Grandad, Uncle Jason and Auntie Lucy.

I have been to jump with George and last week we went to Ashtons 2nd Birthday party which was good fun.
Auntie Lucy slept at our house after she went out partying with Mummy, I thought it was funny to see Auntie Lucy in our house in the morning.

This week Mummy and Daddy were very poorly with a sickness bug so I went to Nanny and Grandads to sleep for 2 nights...I had a good time and on Friday night we went to a party, Nannny and I stayed up dancing till 10pm. Mummy and Daddy said they missed me lots and I missed them too because I gave them massive cuddles when they came to take me home.

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