Sunday, 28 April 2013

Update (chicken pox)

I came home from school and everyone noticed I had cut my hair, there was a big chunk missing from the front. Daddy called me hatchet head because he said it looks like someone had tried to cut my hair with a axe. Everyone laughed at my funny hair...I liked it so didnt want Mummy to try and sort it out.
my hair cut by ME

In the Easter holidays I had chicken pox, It wasnt very nice I didnt like it at night time when I was super itchy and I didnt like the medicine I had to take to stop the itchyness...yukkk!
But they are all gone now. (lots of my friends in my class also had them over the easter holidays).
my spots on my back

I have decided I dont want to do gymnastics anymore so Mummy said I can try something else and I want to do football.
We have had fun recently at pennywell farm and at plymbridge making rope swings. me and daddy make the best swings.
mine and daddys swing

I have been very good in school and Mummy and Daddy are very pleased with my reading. Before the Easter holidays we had parent and teacher meeting at my school, Miss Boobier was very pleased with learning and I enjoyed showing Mummy and Daddy my class and all my hard work.
Mummy and Daddy took me to see 'the croods' at the cinema for a treat. 
(well done Riley!)

I went to my friend Kyans house for tea this week.
Im getting excited about my birthday..not long now.