Sunday, 25 September 2011

The beach

Today we went to wembury beach, we wore waterproofs and wellies but in the end we were soaking wet anyway so took them all off.
We went in the sea and I played with the sea-weed and sand.
Here are some pics from our day...


Rowans birthday

On Friday it was Row's birthday I sang a special song to him...'HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO BEG-EGG!' because thats what I call him...I made up a name for him when he was a bit younger and I still call him that now. sometimes I shorten it to just 'beg'.
We gave Row some presents and Mummy and Daddy even gave me a present for being such a big boy in exploding car! its great.
After nursery all the Nanny and Grandads came out for a party tea and we all sang happy birthday.
It was a nice day and I was sad to see everyone going home.
The next day was Rowans party and some of my friends came...Jayden came and we played together and also Billie came.
Me singing happy birthday

all of us singing

Sunday, 18 September 2011


Last week I started big nursery, on the 1st day Mummy stayed with me for 1 hour, the 2nd day I stayed on my own for 1 hour and by the 3rd day I was doing it all on my own.
I like playing with the sand, playdoh and playing outside. In big nursery garden there is a tree house, a pretend spider hanging from the tree, a pirate ship and lots of play cars, bikes and trikes.

I am in Miss Gilbards class in the orange room. This week I had to make a troll puppet at home for 'homework'.
Mummy has gone back to work now so on Thursdays and Fridays Nanny (with a garage) picks me up.
I done have dummys anymore...the dummy fairies came and took them all and they left me a present outside the front door...a big rescue truck!

Hugo, our new kitten.

Mummy and Daddy have bought me and Rowan a kitten, we have called him Hugo. He is very small and cute.
I like to pick him up and carry him around. I like to play with him and his toys.
Here is a picture of me and Hugo.