I will be 3 in a few weeks, I tell every one my birthday is in May and I will be 'tree'.
I still read lots of books at bed time and I go to playgroup every wednesday morning. On most Tuesdays we go to gymnastics and Rowan comes too, but he only like song time.
I am very good at using the potty and big boy toilet now. I hardly ever have any accidents.
I have been to get some new shoes and I am a 9F, I chose some dinosaur shoes.
I like to visit my friends or I like them to visit me, I have seen Hayleigh, George, and Billie. (Billie is my fav atm) I call any blonde girl that I play with Billie.
Me cheating at crazy golf..he he!!!(west hoe park)
Mummy said this is a gorgeous picture of me.
playing at Billies house with the girls.
Me and George having lunch in asda cafe.
At the beach...Daddy buried me and Mummy doing some digging with me.

My painted nails, Mummy was painting her nails so I decided I wanted mine done too, I chose blue for boys. (rowan had his done too)
Me and Row on the Hoe with ice cream.
I made a tent in my room and carried Rowan in to the tent with me.
Making chocolate rice crispy cakes with Mummy...although I ate most of it before filling the cake tins. yum yum!!!