This photo is me at the field doing some 'fishing' in a very muddy puddle, it was great fun.
I have been swimming and this is me with my new goggles on..he he!
me and row at the aquarium and me on the trampoline at west hoe park.
I have been having lots of fun, I say very clever things to Mummy and Daddy now. the other day Daddy said he was gonna lay in my bed and I said 'thats weird Daddy', I have told Mummy she is naughty and need to go on the naughty mat.
and when Rowan was sick I called him a 'dirty git'. I also sometimes ask 'is santa coming tonight?' or 'whens my birthday'...'oh my birthdays in May'.
I like to watch monsters inc on DVD, and I like playing with nee naws..emergency vehicles because I like watching fireman sam. I also like playing with monsters because I like to watch scooby-doo. I have gone off peppa pig now.
Mummy or Daddy read books to me before bed every night...I like reading my new books from christmas and I like it when Mummy gets new books from the library for me, at the moment I like 'pirate dinosaurs'. my other favourite books are 'the troll', 'monkey puzzle' and 'smelly peter, the great pea eater'.
I am really enjoying play group on wednesday mornings and I learn lots of new things.