I have been to Ashtons house to play, here we on playing on Ashtons 'big boy' bed....
Its almost Ashtons 2nd birthday and Im goin to his party on saturday.
Mummy and Daddy have been taking me swimming on tuesdays its very fun and I like splashing in the deep end, we also went to JUMP, I like jump a lot and all 3 of us go up to the top and go down the big slides together.
I have also been to visit George we played bricks and I like playing with his 'Henry' vacuum cleaner, mummy said maybe Santa will bring me one for christmas?
I have been to Connors house to play aswell.
Mummy said its almost christmas...whatever that means??? there are pretty lights everywhere we go and everyone is rushing around shopping.
I have been feeding my self like a big boy with a fork, I like having the same food as Daddy. Yesterday I fed myself spaghetti carbonara, Mummy and Daddy were very proud of me.