Monday 17 August 2009

Mummys birthday and Auntie Lucys birthday

On the 9th August it was mummys birthday...I woke her up by throwing my card at her while she was sleeping and shouting at the top of my voice. We went for a buffett tea at nana and grandads and we all sang happy birthday to her. The next day it was auntie lucys birthday and after Mummy finished work we went for a meal at zues' I sat next to we are in the restaurant.

here are some other pictures of out night out...
me and grandad
mummy and nana
Uncle Lee, Uncle Jason and Auntie Lucy

this is my funny face while blowing raspberries...

this is me paying the bill with Daddys wallet...

Thursday 6 August 2009


Im 15 months old today. Most people think im 2 years old or even older because im quite tall for my age and im very good at walking....actually I RUN most of the time now.
My favourite thing at the minute is playing with water....any the bath, in the garden, rain water in my toys in the garden and in muddy puddles anywhere!
Mummy and Daddy always have to take a spare change of clothes anywhere we go in case there are puddles.
I like to fight with Daddy in the front room, I pull him over and do special ninja moves on him. Daddy said im a very good at being a ninja.
When I get over excited I bite people but mainly Mummy!!! Mummy says NO BITING but I still do it because I just can control how excited I get at the minute.
Im very good at going to bed and having my naps in the day.
My next set of teeth are on the way now, Mummy said she can see them through my gums.

Monday 3 August 2009


I have been practicing my climbing skills again here are some pics of me

I can now say 'hewwoo'...which is actually hello. I also say 'hewwoo ma' or 'hewwoo da' or 'hewwoo granba'. I also say 'boon' for spoon.
I still like reading books with Mummy or Daddy and I like running everywhere.
I also have a bit of a temper at the moment when anyone tells me NO or that I cant do something.