Then the next day Mummy & Daddy picked me up and we went home, I was playing and leaning on my toy box and lost my grip and landed face first on to my toy really hurt and I cried, Mummy gave me cuddles and I felt better. I had a graze and a black eye, the bruise is almost gone now.Here is a pic of me with my 1st real baddy at sunday lunch (blue peter pub with Mummy, Daddy, Nanna, Grandad, Uncle Lee, Uncle J and Auntie Lucy).
This week Mummy took me to the park and I went on the swings and slide, but I cried when Mummy was pushing Nanna on the swizzel roundabout.
Then we went to jump with Nanna and Uncle Lee but because its half term it was very busy so was not as much fun this time.
Today Me and Mummy went to visit Ashton at his house I played with his toys, Ashton has lots of toys.
Tommorrow im going to visit my Great Nanny & Grandad and on Saturday im going to Grandma & Grandads for the day so Mummy and Daddy can finish our front a very very busy week!!!
My hair is very long on the top now and Mummy & Daddy think it looks like scarecrow hair so Mummy thought it would be fun to brush my hair, here is a silly photo of me after Mummy has been messing around with my hair, she said I looked like a backstreet boy but Daddy said I looked like a goon...(I dont look happy in this pic but I was laughing while my hair was brushed).