I didnt want to open presents so Mummy helped me. I liked playing with the toys when they were open.
Here I am i am in the wrapping paper and a pic of all my pressies from Santa and some from my friends.
After all the pressies were open, we went in the car to see Grandma and Grandad they gave me another sack of presents, I Liked all my new toys and clothes.
Then after my nap we went to Nanna and grandads where I had yet another sack of presents and more presents from Uncle Lee, Uncle Jason and Auntie Lucy.
We gave everyone pesents too.
We had christmas dinner it was yummy and everyone pulled crackers.
I was a bit unsure most of christmas day and it was all a bit over whelming so I was a bit wingey sometimes and by the end of the day I didnt want to look at another present again. but I enjoyed all the attention from everyone and once I got home I played with all my toys. Thankyou everyone.